Alesh Sanni Lauds Funke Akindele’s Kindness Amid Controversy

Actor Alesh Sanni has come to the defense of Funke Akindele, highlighting her kindness and generosity amid accusations of abandoning her junior colleague, Jumoke Aderounmu. The late actress’ brother had accused Funke Akindele of neglecting his sister during her difficult times and questioned the authenticity of her care for her staff.

However, Alesh recounted an incident from years ago when he posted about someone needing a large sum for medical bills, and Funke Akindele quietly reached out and sent the money. He emphasized that this was not an isolated incident, stating that the actress had helped in similar ways on multiple occasions.

Expressing his dismay at the accusations against Funke Akindele, Alesh urged people not to judge others without knowing the full story. He praised her for her quiet acts of kindness and generosity, and encouraged her to continue being herself.

In conclusion, Alesh expressed his support for Funke Akindele, reassuring her that despite the challenges she faces, she will not experience the loss of a child. He commended her for her character and wished her strength in the face of adversity.

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