Barrister Evans Ufeli Demands Action Against Open Defecation on Lagos-Ibadan Expressway


CEO of Enterprise TV Barrister Evans Ufeli, a prominent business owner and legal practitioner, has taken decisive legal steps to combat the issue of open defecation plaguing the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. Ufeli, whose office is situated adjacent to the heavily trafficked highway, has issued a formal demand to the Office of the Attorney General of the Federation, calling for immediate intervention to address the unsanitary conditions affecting the area.

In a demand letter dated June 14, 2024, Ufeli, represented by his solicitor Uche Ozodinobi Esq., highlights the severe impact of open defecation by homeless individuals, urchins, and miscreants on his business. The unsightly and unhygienic practice has led to pervasive foul odors that infiltrate his office, causing significant embarrassment and operational disruptions.

"The Lagos-Ibadan Expressway is a major interstate route used by numerous motorists. However, the median strip has become a dumping ground for human waste, creating a dire public health situation," Ufeli's letter states. "This trend has garnered utmost concern from the press and surrounding business owners, particularly my client, whose business is suffering due to the pervasive stench."

The letter implores the Attorney General's office to take swift action to remedy the situation within 14 days of receipt. Failure to do so, Ufeli warns, will result in legal proceedings to seek redress for the damages incurred.


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"We bring this demand letter/pre-action notice before your good office to draw your candid attention to this sinister trend in place, and we earnestly implore your good office to take steps in addressing this sad reality," the letter asserts. "Failing which, after fourteen (14) days of your receipt of this letter, we shall be bereft of no further alternative than to seek redress in the Court of law."

In addition to the Attorney General of the Federation, copies of the demand letter have been dispatched to the Attorney Generals of Lagos State and Ogun State, urging a coordinated and comprehensive response to the issue.

Barrister Ufeli's proactive stance on this matter underscores his commitment to ensuring a clean and safe environment for businesses and commuters along one of Nigeria's busiest highways. His actions also highlight the broader challenges related to public sanitation and homelessness that require urgent governmental attention.

As the deadline for action approaches, stakeholders and affected parties eagerly await a response from the authorities. The resolution of this issue is not only crucial for the well-being of those who frequent the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway but also for the reputation and operational integrity of businesses like Ufeli's.

For further updates on this developing story, stay tuned to our website.

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