Biden: US Forces Helped Intercept ‘Nearly All’ Iranian Drones and Missiles Targeting Israel


President Joe Biden announced on Saturday that US forces played a crucial role in intercepting "nearly all" the drones and missiles launched by Iran at Israel. He emphasized his unwavering support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stating that he had reaffirmed America's "ironclad" commitment to Israel's security. Biden also revealed plans to convene with leaders from the G7 nations to coordinate a unified diplomatic response to what he described as Iran's "brazen" attack.

In a strongly worded statement, Biden condemned the unprecedented air attack by Iran and its proxies in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq on military facilities in Israel. He expressed solidarity with Israel, condemning the attacks in the strongest possible terms. Biden highlighted the recent deployment of US military aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the Middle East in response to the perceived Iranian threat to Israel.

Biden's statement praised the skill of US servicemembers, noting that their efforts, combined with the deployment of resources, had enabled Israel to successfully intercept the majority of the incoming drones and missiles. He underscored that no US forces or facilities had been targeted by Iran in the attacks. Biden also emphasized that his conversation with Netanyahu had reaffirmed the US's commitment to Israel's security and highlighted Israel's ability to defend itself against unprecedented attacks.

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