Concerns Raised Over President Tinubu’s Use of Chartered Planes


The Centre for Good Governance and Probity has expressed concern over reports that President Bola Tinubu is using chartered planes instead of the official presidential aircraft for state functions. Gabriel Uwosu, the National Coordinator, emphasized that this practice does not reflect well on the presidency and raises serious security and integrity issues.

The civil society group highlighted the security implications of not using the presidential aircraft, which is equipped with advanced security features designed to protect the head of state. They pointed out that relying on chartered planes could compromise critical security protocols and procedures, potentially leaving the president vulnerable and exposing sensitive information about his movements and activities.


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The statement also noted that the optics of the president not using the official state aircraft send the wrong message to both citizens and the international community about the seriousness of the office. The group described it as laughable that Nigeria has moribund airplanes in its presidential fleet while the president resorts to chartered flights.

The Centre for Good Governance and Probity called for immediate action to rectify the situation, asserting that Nigerians deserve to have confidence that their president is being protected with the utmost care and that the dignity of the office is being upheld.

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