When the NASS passed the Electoral Act Amendment bill on Nov 9 and transmitted same to Mr President for assent, political bystanders knew we were in for a very long night. Some of the highlights were the electronic transfer of election results, and a never adoption of the Direct Primao for political parties to determine candidates for elections. Of course, this decision was expected to excite and incite the political class, more so the Governors and the money bags who like carpet baggers held the aces.

Governors who were in their second term, who are eyeing seats at the NASS-a retirement ground for member did the NASS, it’s one sure way of fighting back. The antagonist of the Direct primary say the big trouble with direct primary method is the prohibitive cost.

The Governor’s notably those in the ruling party has met with Mr President on the matter. The president jas 19 days which will lapse on Dec 16 to sign the bill into law, failing which the NASS men could with a ⅔ ‘s  majority veto the No one citizen. The INEC boss, prof Mahmoud Yakubu on Thursday December 9 cleared the air by removing the remaining about sponsorship of Direct Primaries.

At a meeting with the HOReps committee on Appropriation, the electoral umpire said categorically that it was not the place or duty of INEC to fund party primaries whether Direct or Indirect. This puts paid to the wronglings of the political class regarding the issue. What will they think of next?

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