Enugu Central Station Project: Compensation to Begin for Property Leasers


Ahead of the commencement of the construction of a new and modern transport interchange (bus terminal) at Market Road, Enugu (Enugu Central Station), the leasers of properties at the site will start receiving their compensations from Tuesday. This follows an agreement reached with the Nigerian Railway Corporation, the lessor of the properties.

The Enugu State governor, Dr. Peter Mbah, had met with critical property owners and stakeholders on the proposed Enugu Central Station on October 19, 2023. At the meeting, Governor Mbah explained that the project was part of a larger infrastructure plan aimed at alleviating traffic congestion, enhancing safety, preserving road assets, optimizing transport efficiency, and addressing various needs of the transport sector operators in the state.

Following the meeting, the Commissioner for Transportation, Dr. Obi Ozor, issued a six-month notice to each individual occupant, notifying them of the government's intention to use the location. The lessors, the Railway Property Management Company Ltd., also served notices of recovery of property to the leasers on April 22, 2024, in line with the terms of the lease.

In a letter titled "Notice of Recovery of Railway Land Along Market Road, Enugu," the Railway Property Management Company Ltd. informed the leasers that the Federal Ministry of Transportation had agreed to release the portion of the Railway land to the Enugu State Government for the construction of a modern bus terminal. The Enugu State Government has agreed to compensate the affected individuals for the structures constructed on the land based on an independent valuation.

The affected businesses have since been allocated temporary places, with some already developing the new location. The compensation process is expected to start on Tuesday, with the affected individuals receiving alerts for the necessary payments. The Enugu State Government has also committed to providing the affected businesses with an alternative temporary location and the right of first refusal to return to the newly completed structure.

During various stakeholder engagements, property and business owners, as well as legitimate tenants, commended the project and expressed gratitude for the compensation scheme and the assurance of the right of first refusal upon completion of the interchange. Chief Chidi Anyaegbu, Chairman/CEO of Chisco Transport, and Chief Arinze Ekwenibe, Executive Director of Onitsha South Mass Transit, pledged their support towards the project's speedy realization and emphasized its importance in sustaining entrepreneurial growth and development in the region.

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