For the people of Anambra, the road to November 6, was a most frenzied one. You painted a picture of bedlam or what is known as a madhouse. The posturings of the prescribed IPOB, did not help matters on bit. Some of our colleagues rather than make the build-up less severe, elected to speculate and opinionate. But thank goodness, INEC was ready, IPOB reversed itself, security folks comported themselves and above all else, Anambrarians played ball and cast their ballot for them, it is a fair Accompli, and barring any untoward developments, from very bad losers, prof Charles Soludo would assume office on March 17, next year.
Historically speaking, the only other past Gov of the CBN to govern a state, was the late clement Nyong Isong. As CBN boss during our evil war years, we never borrowed money; as an economist he steered the ship of old cross river state and the rest, as they say is history. Enter another economist, Prof Charles Soludo as helmsman of Anambra state-The state of billionaires.
Our new kid on the block shops know that public servants should be focused on serving the public, not any special interest group. It is gratifying to note that anambrarians embraced APGA, the party of the late Ikembw News. One problem most likeable people get into in our type of convoluted society is being your own man. What next?