Suspected gunmen attacked Uzer village in Tombo ward, Gaambetiev LGA of Benue State, killing six individuals on Wednesday night. The tragic incident, which occurred around 8 p.m., disrupted the community as residents were settling in for the evening. Victims included Sir Matthew Tyôkighir, Mrs. Myangega, Ortamem Zwa Injo, Mr. Emmanuel Sanka, and Mrs. Justina Ashe. A woman and her child, gravely injured, succumbed to their wounds at a nearby health center.
Eyewitnesses reported hearing gunshots as the attackers struck under the cover of darkness. Despite efforts to alert security personnel from Ayilamo, the gunmen fled before their arrival. Uzer village, located on the Ayilamo-Tse Abi-Tse Ikyo-Tyulen federal highway, has suffered repeated attacks, reflecting the prolonged insecurity in the region.
Tombo ward, a farming community comprising Mbakorya, Mbaya, Mbazaar, and Iwendyer, has been abandoned by residents living in fear of unknown gunmen. Community leader Chief Tyodue Aboh has called on federal and state authorities to provide adequate security to enable farmers to return to their farmlands.
The Logo Divisional Police Officer confirmed the attack and stated that investigations were underway. Plans for a mass burial for the victims were being finalized as of press time.