Iran Launches Over 300 Missiles and Drones Towards Israel in Retaliation


Iran retaliated against an attack on an Iranian diplomatic complex in Damascus, Syria, by launching over 300 cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones towards Israel. This marks the first direct attack on Israel from Iranian territory, escalating tensions between the two nations into a direct military confrontation.

Israeli and U.S. officials reported that most of the missiles and drones were intercepted by Israeli, American, and other allied forces before reaching Israeli territory. Despite this, air-raid sirens blared across Israel, and explosions were heard over Jerusalem as the Iron Dome air-defense system was activated. A few missiles landed in Israel, causing minor damage to a military base in the south.

While Israel anticipates further waves of attacks, a former senior U.S. official described the current attacks as largely "performative." However, a hospital in southern Israel reported treating 12 individuals, including a child seriously injured by shrapnel from an intercept. Israel has lifted sheltering orders and reopened its airspace, indicating it believes the worst of the attack is over.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stated that U.S. forces intercepted missiles and drones from Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen aimed at Israel. President Biden condemned Iran's actions, noting that the U.S. military had swiftly repositioned its resources in the region in anticipation of such an attack.

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