Labour Assembly Decries Inhumane Wages in Borno State: Workers Earn as Low as N6000


The Labour Veterans and Trade Unionists Assembly has raised alarm over the deplorable wages paid to workers in Borno State, revealing that many are receiving as little as N6,000 to N8,000 as minimum wage. Comrade Isa Tijani, National Interim Chairman of the Labour Veterans, expressed dismay over the situation, calling it a form of inhuman slavery in the 21st century.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the Labour Veterans condemned the arbitrary deductions from workers' salaries and warned that if not addressed, workers in other states might face similar exploitation. They called on the Governor of Borno State to ensure that all entitled workers are paid the prevailing agreed amount even before the new Minimum Wage comes into effect.

Furthermore, the Labour Veterans urged the Governor to stop all forms of arbitrary deductions in the name of palliatives or purchase of cars for local Government Chairmen. They emphasized the importance of Labour Leaders and their members addressing the issue of full wage agreements implementation across board before the new National Minimum Wage regime comes into Law to avoid similar situations in other states.

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