Lagos Government Shuts Down Multiple Establishments for Environmental Violations


The Lagos State Government has intensified its crackdown on establishments violating the State Environmental Laws of 2017, sealing several businesses and religious institutions on Tuesday. The Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) led the operation in the Ojo Local Government Area, targeting facilities including churches, hotels, bars, an event centre, and a recycling company.

LASEPA General Manager, Babatunde Ajayi, stressed the agency's commitment to enforcing environmental standards, stating that any establishment failing to comply with state regulations will face consequences. He urged businesses to take responsibility for their environmental impact and work with the government to ensure a cleaner future for Lagos.

Among the establishments sealed during the operation were Rockslide Gospel Church, New Yorker Hotel, Flex Bar & Spa Hotel, and VLC Donald Restaurant & Event Centre, all found to be in violation of the state's environmental standards. Ajayi reaffirmed LASEPA’s dedication to maintaining a safe environment for all residents, warning that the agency will continue to monitor compliance and take action where necessary.

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