Massacre: 22 Soldiers Slain in Delta State Ambush


Armed men and suspected mercenaries from Okuoma community in Delta state have reportedly killed at least 22 soldiers from the 181 Amphibious Battalion, Bomadi. The troops were on a rescue mission to free a kidnapped youth, Mr. Anthony Aboh, from neighboring Okoloba community.

The soldiers were ambushed on their way back to the waterfront after a failed round-table discussion at Okuoma community hall. The assailants opened fire from all directions, resulting in numerous casualties, including a former honorable member from Okoloba community who had reported the kidnapping.

Among the confirmed casualties were one Lieutenant Colonel, two Majors, one Captain, and eighteen soldiers. Some of the identified military personnel killed include Majors Shafa and Obi, Captain Zakari, and Lieutenant Colonel A. H. Ali.

The Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Gwabin Musa, has ordered an immediate investigation into the incident and directed the arrest of those responsible. The military has also recovered the body of the kidnapped victim, Anthony Aboh, from River Forcados, near Ayakoromo community.

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