NRC Battles Rail Vandals: Managing Director Raises Alarm Over Sabotage


The Managing Director of the Nigeria Railway Corporation (NRC), Freeborn Okhiria, has raised concerns about the ongoing battle against vandals sabotaging railway operations. Speaking during an investigation by the House of Representatives Committee on Land Transport, Okhiria highlighted the corporation's struggle with rampant vandalisation of railway tracks and assets.

According to Okhiria, the Minister of Transport has initiated a nationwide assessment to determine the extent of vandalism and value of NRC assets. He emphasized the seriousness of the issue, citing areas like the Kabba-Kaduna axis where staff face challenges accessing due to vandalism.

Okhiria revealed measures taken by the NRC to combat vandalism, including restricting scrap sales to one authorized company and implementing monitoring mechanisms. He also addressed recent incidents, such as the interception of coaches in Maiduguri, attributing them to a communication gap and clarifying that such movements are routine and within NRC's jurisdiction.

The House Committee, led by Blessing Onuh, initiated the investigation following concerns over the safety of NRC assets, especially tracks, amidst increasing incidents of vandalism. The committee aims to ensure the protection of NRC assets and track safety across the country.

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