Pastor Challenges Tradition: God Isn’t Christian, Heaven Isn’t Exclusive to Christians


Popular pastor Abel Damina recently challenged conventional Christian beliefs, asserting that God is not a Christian and emphasizing that Christianity is not the only path to heaven. During a sermon, Pastor Damina of Abel Damina Ministries International criticized the notion that only believers in Jesus Christ can attain paradise, citing biblical figures like Abraham, David, and even Jesus himself, who did not identify as Christians in their time.

He pointed out that Christianity as a distinct religious identity emerged much later in Antioch, as described in the Book of Acts, and before that, people like the thief on the cross and other righteous individuals were accepted into heaven. He suggested a revision of theological perspectives among believers to acknowledge this historical context.

Pastor Damina's teachings have sparked controversy before, notably his unorthodox advice on addressing pornography addiction, where he recommended not struggling to stop watching porn but rather balancing it with extensive exposure to religious teachings. This advice drew criticism from conservative Christians who viewed it as condoning sinful behavior.

In response to Pastor Damina's views, other religious figures, such as Pastor Gideon Odoma of the Fortress Ministry, criticized the normalization of pornography and emphasized its categorization as a perversion by God. The debate reflects ongoing discussions within Christian circles on interpreting scripture and addressing contemporary moral issues.


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