Renowned human rights lawyer, Femi Falana, has condemned the Nigerian Police Force for its failure to prevent recent food stampedes that claimed several lives in Oyo, Abuja, and Anambra States. Speaking on Friday during a public lecture in Akure, Ondo State, Falana described the incidents as tragic and avoidable, holding the Police responsible for their inability to safeguard citizens.
Falana highlighted the unacceptable toll, noting the deaths of 115 Nigerians, including children, across the three states. He emphasized that the Police had neglected their constitutional duty to protect lives and called on the government to compensate the families of the victims. "The government must act swiftly to redress these failures," he stated.
The lawyer also criticized the growing social insecurity in Nigeria, citing poverty, unemployment, and hunger as root causes of the recurring tragedies. He warned that without addressing these issues, physical security and the safety of lives and property would remain unattainable.
Reports revealed that 35 children lost their lives at a holiday funfair in Ibadan, while 29 people died, and 32 were injured during a palliative distribution event in Okija, Anambra State. In Abuja, 10 people were killed, and several others injured during a stampede at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Maitama, further underscoring the dire situation.