Senate Passes National Anthem Bill 2024 to Reintroduce “Nigeria, We Hail Thee”


The Nigerian Senate has passed the National Anthem Bill 2024, which seeks to reintroduce the old national anthem, "Nigeria, We Hail Thee." This decision followed the third reading and approval of the bill, which was initially passed for first and second readings last week.

Senator Mohammed Monguno (APC – Borno North), the chairman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights, and Legal Matters, presented the committee's report, emphasizing the bill's importance. He highlighted that the national anthem is a significant representation of Nigeria's history, culture, and people, and the proposed bill is both timely and necessary.

The House of Representatives also passed the bill for a third reading last week, indicating strong legislative support for the reintroduction of the old anthem. Following the presentation, the Senate resolved into the committee of the whole to consider the clauses of the bill, which were subsequently passed.

"Nigeria, We Hail Thee" was adopted as the country's first national anthem on October 1, 1960, but was replaced in 1978 during the military regime of Olusegun Obasanjo. The reintroduction of this anthem signifies a return to a significant part of Nigeria's early history and identity.

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