Teen Accuses Clergy Stepfather of Abuse in Shocking Case


A 16-year-old girl in Osogbo, Osun State, has come forward with serious allegations against her stepfather, a local pastor known as Femi, claiming he sexually abused her starting at age 12 and impregnated her when she was just 13. The victim sought help from the World Institute for Peace, a non-governmental organization, where she reported the abuse and sought alternative dispute resolution.

In a sworn affidavit, the girl revealed that after becoming pregnant, her stepfather arranged for an abortion, instructing her to lie to the doctor about the identity of the father. She recounted her traumatic experiences during a meeting with NGO officials, stating that the abuse persisted for four years before she decided to speak out, largely due to concerns for her younger siblings and her mother’s feelings.

Femi admitted to the abuse during the same meeting, claiming divine instruction led him to commit the acts. He stated, “It is true I slept with her... God told me to abort the pregnancy.” His remarks have sparked outrage and raised questions about the accountability of those in positions of trust.

The victim’s mother has since sworn an affidavit indicating the family’s desire to resolve the matter amicably, expressing reluctance to pursue legal action against Femi. The chairman of the NGO, Lamina Omotoyosi, emphasized the need for parents to protect their children from harm, highlighting the troubling rise of incest cases in the region.


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