The Abandonment of the Etua-Etiti – Etua Oliogo Road: A Community’s Lament

By Bar. Evans Ufeli Esq

In recent months, the Etua-Etiti - Etua Oliogo road has become a stark symbol of neglect and broken promises. Once a vital artery connecting our community to essential services and opportunities, this road now lies in a state of disrepair, a troubling testament to the abandonment by those responsible for its maintenance and improvement.

The plight of our road is not merely an inconvenience; it carries significant implications for our community’s livelihood. Poorly maintained or incomplete infrastructure can hinder access to healthcare, education, and markets, complicating the daily lives of residents. Children must navigate perilous paths to reach school, while farmers find it increasingly difficult to transport their goods to market.

The frustration felt by many in the community is palpable, as promises made by contractors and local authorities have fallen flat. It is disheartening to see heavy machinery sitting idle, abandoned, while dust settles on the remnants of what was once a construction site. This abandonment reflects a deeper issue of accountability and responsibility, triggering questions about the transparency of project management and the integrity of those in charge.

As a community, we deserve better. We call for immediate action to revive the Etua-Etiti - Etua Oliogo road project. We urge local authorities to address this issue and hold contractors accountable for their commitments. The time for action is now, and we must advocate for our needs to be met and for our voices to be heard.

In unity, we can push for the restoration of this vital road, ensuring that our community is not left behind but instead connected, thriving, and resilient. Let’s stand together and demand the respect and infrastructure we need for a brighter future.

The stupid contractors awarded this contract and his cohorts have all gone into hiding when they were supposed to be in jail. A whole community is held to ransom by the greed and foolish act of a few thieves.

The contractors and those responsible must be prosecuted and brought to book.

I shall go to Rabbi again.

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