Trump Vows to Reverse Biden’s Border Policy in First Campaign Event Since Conviction


In his first campaign event since being convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records, Donald Trump declared on Thursday that he would reverse President Joe Biden’s executive order aimed at reducing illegal border crossings. Trump, the likely Republican nominee, also threatened to impose severe tariffs on countries that fail to prevent migrants from entering the United States.

Addressing a supportive crowd in the crucial swing state of Arizona, Trump outlined his plans to tackle immigration, an issue that polls indicate is a top concern for voters. When asked how he would curb the flow of migrants, including those from China and the Middle East, Trump emphasized the use of economic sanctions.

“We have tremendous economic power… if China or some other country is behaving badly, we have things called tariffs that are so severe,” he said. “We are going to be so tough, and if a country is not going to behave, we’re going to tariff the hell out of that country,” he added, without specifying the nature or extent of the tariffs.

Trump’s appearance in Phoenix marks his first public event since his conviction related to hush money payments to a porn star. The audience, primarily focused on immigration issues, asked questions following a lengthy speech. While some questions addressed the cost of living, the majority centered on immigration.

Biden recently issued an executive order aimed at limiting asylum claims when illegal crossings exceed 2,500 per day and simplifying deportations to Mexico. This policy, which remains until crossings drop below 1,500 per day, has faced criticism from both sides. Republicans argue it is insufficient, while others see it as a shift towards stricter immigration enforcement similar to measures Trump implemented during his presidency.

Trump criticized Biden’s order as “pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking… pro-drug dealers” and vowed to rescind it on his first day in office if elected. He also promised to end all of Biden’s “open borders policies.”

Arizona, a pivotal state in the 2020 election won by Biden by just 10,000 votes, is expected to be crucial for both candidates in the upcoming election. Trump is scheduled to continue his campaign with a rally in Nevada, another key swing state, on Sunday.

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