Wole Soyinka Calls for Radical Change in Nigeria’s Governance Structure to Ignite Self-Sufficiency

Wole Soyinka

Wole Soyinka

Nobel laureate Prof. Wole Soyinka advocated for the total decentralization of Nigeria during the Punch 50th Anniversary lecture, emphasizing that the current governance system is not working economically, developmentally, or as a material expression of any functional social philosophy. He highlighted that the word "restructuring" persists despite attempts by elected leaders to evade it.

Soyinka criticized past government initiatives as phoney exercises meant to pacify the populace and distract from self-perpetuation in power. He stressed the need to take the demand for restructuring seriously and address it directly, pointing out that reasoned propositions exist from past conferences.

The professor urged the press to play a crucial role in the call for decentralization, emphasizing that all arms of governance, particularly at the state level, must be proactive. He emphasized that decentralization is essential for food production and access, stating that it is key to achieving food self-sufficiency sustainably.

Soyinka concluded by highlighting the secessionist challenges facing Nigeria, both geographically and in terms of minds, and called for a collective strategy to mitigate negative consequences. He ended with a strong conviction that nations may need to perish for humanity to thrive, citing global conflicts as examples.

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