Year’s Worth of Rain Unleashes Chaos in UAE: Flash Flooding Hits Dubai and Oman


Yesterday, the United Arab Emirates faced unprecedented flash flooding, equivalent to a year's worth of rain, causing chaos across the region. The deluge transformed roads into rivers, submerged homes, businesses, and even disrupted operations at Dubai International Airport, one of the busiest airports globally. Meanwhile, Oman also grappled with heavy rain, leading to at least 17 fatalities.

Videos from the affected areas, including Dubai International Airport, showed large aircraft navigating through floodwaters on the tarmac, emphasizing the scale of the flooding. The airport had to halt operations for nearly 30 minutes due to the severe flooding, with significant disruptions continuing as access roads to the airport were also affected.

The extreme rainfall, amounting to nearly four inches in just 12 hours, far exceeds Dubai's typical annual rainfall. Such intense downpours are increasingly linked to human-induced climate change, according to experts. As the atmosphere warms, it can hold more moisture, leading to more intense and frequent rainfall events, as witnessed in Dubai and Oman.

In response to the devastating weather, Oman's National Committee for Emergency Management suspended work for employees in both the public and private sectors. Schools in several 'governorates' were also closed due to the unstable weather conditions, with rescue operations underway to assist those affected by the flooding.

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