Revolutionary Bill to Ban Government Officials Use of Private Schools and Hospitals Set for National Assembly Debate


A bill proposing restrictions on government officials from using private schools and hospitals, both within and outside Nigeria, is slated for transmission to the National Assembly for legislative action. Sponsored by Dumebi Kachikwu, the presidential candidate of the African Democratic Congress in the 2023 election, the bill advocates for public officials to utilize the public education system for their children's education and public health institutions for medical treatment.

The bill stipulates that public officers should patronize public education and health facilities for the education and healthcare needs of their families, except in cases where the public health institutions in Nigeria are unable to provide the required treatment. In such instances, the public officers may seek treatment in private hospitals at their own expense, with permission from the Senate.

Furthermore, the bill prohibits public officers from enrolling their children or wards in private schools within or outside the country. It also limits the use of police escorts to certain high-ranking officials, unless there is a verified threat to their lives, and the police protection is authorized by a competent court for a specific duration.

Kachikwu emphasized that the bill, known as the Nigerian Patriot Act, aims to foster patriotism among public officers by encouraging them to support public education and health services. The bill is expected to be transmitted to the National Assembly soon and contains provisions that will expire in 16 years, by which time improvements in the education and healthcare sectors are anticipated.

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